Saturday, August 1, 2015

Living in Two Worlds

"Living in Two Worlds"
July 23, 2015

I have just returned from another wonderful trip to Tanzania, a trip I had not planned to take this year. I am so thankful that I had the opportunity to go, but transitioning back is always hard. Why is it so difficult to re-engage in American life? As I process my experiences, my emotions often emerge as words. Here are my latest thoughts.

"Living in Two Worlds"

I am living in two worlds
Struggling to reconcile the disparities I see.
My heart roars with rage against injustice
And weeps inconsolably with the sorrows that I see.
But still I marvel at the beauty of the human spirit
And take comfort in the lights of love I find along the way.
I am living in two worlds
Desperately wanting one to claim me
But knowing that because their dichotomies have torn me
I'll never really be at home again in either one.

"A Traveler"

A traveler needs no map to guide her
Because a traveler just follows the road.
A traveler allows no walls to confine her
Because the journey is her home.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, the last four lines fit so well. I just returned from Hungary and I'm still processing the differences in life in Central Europe and life her in America. I didn't feel fully at home there, and I don't feel at home in my regular home now. Travel stretches us in new ways.
